Saturday 20 October 2012

Wednesday Weigh In #3

So mid week blogging is apparently very tricky for me! Ooopsie.

This weeks weigh in -2lbs, that's -7lbs in three weeks. Not too shabby with no exercise and the odd biscuit (oh I know, I'm awful).

Thursday night I went to my first ever yoga class. I enjoyed it so much! There were parts similar to Pilates which I also enjoy but the Salutations were great and we even did a little bit of simplified Tai Chi. I am quite flexible and did a great 'frog' but found some kneeling positions hard as I have problems with my feet and ankles. It took a bit of watching to be able to move through all the positions as quickly as the rest of the group but the teacher was so encouraging. I'm already looking forward to next weeks class.

In an attempt to step up the weight loss I'm also going back to the gym this coming week. Aerobics on Monday and Spinning on Tuesday. I have a posh party and a long weekend away in November so need to be looking good and fit for lots of dancing!

Saturday 13 October 2012

Wednesday Weigh In #2

Oh goodness - this is late isn't it?! After popping to my weigh in on Wednesday, I was straight out for a visit to my brother in law to wish him a happy birthday, Thursday at the mother in laws and last night was a quiet night in with the fiance as he's working today.

So this past weekend I may have indulged in a few (hundred) cocktails, a bit of dancing and a hang over cake or 3. Ooops. So I was dreading my weigh in, luckily for me I stayed the same.

I'm trying much harder this week, although I'm supposed to be out tonight. Will just have to resist any naughty temptation!

I've ordered my food shop, lots of healthy carb free dinners for me next week! Fingers crossed for a loss!

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Wednesday Weigh In #1

I've been unhappy with my weight for a while. I, like many, get stuck in a cycle of 'unhappy with the way I look, do nothing, stay unhappy, comfort eat'. I wish I was confident and awesome and embraced my belly and wobbly thighs, but I can't. I'm at my largest now I think. I see photos of myself and feel, not quite disgusted, but definitely disappointed. I've had body issues as well as food issues in my teens and early 20s. I shed  a lot of weight quickly in my late teens but gained it (and a lot more) back once I settled into a brilliant relationship. Now that I'm happy in my personal life I want to be happy in my skin.
I've tried many diets but my one big issue is that they always say 'have a treat' 'here's your allowance for naughty food' but I just hear 'it's OK to have a chocolate bar / milkshake / slice of cake' and my brain tells me 'well if I can have 1, why not 2 or 3?!' Bad logic! I've lost weight with Rosemary Conely and Slimming World in the past but have struggled to stick to the rules.
I'm on my second stint of the Cambridge Weight Loss plan now. I lost 16lbs this spring. I kept over half of that off after a long break.
Cambridge works for me as there's no syns or points or cheats allowed. I have 3 Cambridge products a day and a small meal. That's it.

This week I lost 5lbs. I'm very pleased with this. First weeks are usually big losses and I'm hoping to stick with at least a 3lb loss a week.
I recently lost my gym buddy and as the nights draw in, my exercise motivation lessens! It's time to be serious about weight loss, for me, and get 100% with myself.

I'm posting about my journey so I am held accountable. With CWP you see your leader 1to1, there's no group, no announcing weight loss or gain, no competition. This isn't about fat shaming, telling people how they should look or saying that everyone should lose weight to be happy. I'm just sharing my experience and feelings.

Saturday 29 September 2012

A/W Wish List

The weather has turned, earlier than hoped, and I'm starting to think about cosy knits and boots. I'm getting excited about finding a new coat, scarf and gloves combo.
I've been doing a little window shopping. I've just started a new diet and am trying to put off buying clothes while I'm in between sizes so just looking for now.

Here's a little selection from New Look. I'm, obviously, loving deep reds.I've never really been a brights person so Autumn is great for me!

I'm desperately seeking a new winter coat. Something cute and warm but not bulky or cumbersome. I've seen a few nice ones on ASOS, just trying to make my final decision. Most coats I like don't flatter my figure. I have a tiny, high waist and large hips / thighs so I definitely need a belt or I look so wide.

I could spend all day looking at lovely new things to fill my wardrobe but I'll give it a rest as I might accidentally click buy on my overflowing online basket!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

It's like my girl Beyonce says.

Many of my twitter pals and besties know that almost 2 years ago, I saw an opal ring in the window of a small independent jewellers in town. It was second hand / vintage and BEAUTIFUL. I've loved opals since I was in middle school and had an Australian teacher who wore opal jewellery from her home town. I was facsinated by the colours and the way they seemed to change.
I'd go and look at this lovely ring on my way to my favourite sandwich shop on my lunch break. I'd go with a  work friend and we'd scour the shelves til we saw it. It was always moving! I'd show anyone who came to town with me on the weekends. I'd tweet pics of it and even showed my mum! It was close to a grand so hardly some thing I could buy for myself on a whim.
One day, I went to have a quick peak at it and it was gone! I checked every time I went past the shop but no, it had vanished. I was gutted. After a while I stopped looking. There had been a similar ring in the window so one day, a while later, I went to look at that one and I was amazed to see 'my ring' back in the window, at a discounted price! Meant to be. I had an idea to start saving and buy it for myself but..

My 25th birthday was April this year. I was lucky enough it was on a Saturday! Adrian got up to make my birthday breakfast and I had an awesome lie in. Ade came to wake me up but opened the bedroom a bit strangely, so I couldn't see out. He told me to get dressed and have breakfast in the front room. I had this weird feeling there were people in the flat as he was making me put my dressing gown over my PJs. When I opened the door, instead of people, I saw this!

Which lead to

and my breakfast looked like this

So I ate some of my awesome breakfast but I was too excited for presents. My last present felt like a book. When I opened it it was a slightly sellotaped up, obviously second hand copy of Breaking Dawn. I just looked at Ade. I have never expressed any interest in the series and who buys someone a book from a series they haven't started? So I opened it and there was a hand written message from him, ending 'Please be mine?' I was confused, that sounded more like a valentine's message. I kept turning pages til I saw the middle of the book had been cut out and there was a ring box inside. OH MY GOODNESS. My hands were shaking as I took the box out and opened it. IT WAS THE RING FROM THE SHOP. The ring of my dreams. My amazing boyfriend was proposing to me on my birthday, with the ring I'd loved for months. Does it get any better?! I was too excited to speak and just started hugging him. He later said he was worried that I didn't answer right away.

I then got to spend the day celebrating my birthday AND engagement with my favourite people, having a BBQ and drinks. Won't be forgetting that birthday any time soon!

Sunday 23 September 2012

Where have you been, all my life.

Good evening lovelies!

My arm is progressing at a lovely pace. I've had quite a few sittings since my last update. I think there's around 4 hours max to go! Although it's not a full sleeve or even that dense, it's still around 30 hours of tattooing!

This is going to be an amazing reminder of 2012. I've had such a good year so far. The positives are far outweighing the negatives and I have so much more great stuff planned for the last few months.

Seeing as I haven't touched this for so long, did you know I got engaged on my birthday (7/04) this year!! While there are no wedding plans as yet, I get so excited knowing I'm going to marry such an amazing man and am filing away little ideas in my brain!

Here are some tattoo photos and a bad shot of my engagement ring. Its a vintage / second hand starlight opal, surrounded by diamonds on a gold setting and band. My dream ring! I might blog my engagement story. Would that be of interest?

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Tattoo - Colourwork

So January 13th I had my second session on my sleeve. We finished the line work, added a new butterfly and started some colour work. I think the worst part of the whole session (3.5 hrs again) was adding the butterfly, right by my elbow which was the first 20 mins and then stung for the whole day! The inside of my arm was a bit nipper as always but some on the line work right by the base of my neck / collar bone was bloody awful!!
I have only included one photo of the scarred area, this was taken the morning. I will take a photo when fully healed to show how the colour has taken.Another scar I haven't mentioned is my BCG, this will be on the wing of one of my birds! Hoping that hold colour as it's much more visible.
As always, please feel free to ask any tattoo related questions. If anyone is interested I will post my after care method. I have perfected it for my own body over the years I've been getting tattoo'd.