Sunday, 22 January 2012

This post may be triggering. Please do not read on if SH is upsetting for you.

I bet it's a surprise to see me popping up in your blog feed isn't it?!
This post is quite different to what I think a lot of you like to read but I want to document my progress and transformation. I made a big decision a long time a go and just before Christmas I managed to begin this journey. I was a troubled teen, to put it lightly and I have worn the battle scars of my mistakes for many many years. They have caused me embarrassment, I've had people stare and even comment rudely. They are a part of my past that I have conquered and no longer need to be reminded of.
November 2011 I started my 3/4 Japanese inspired full colour sleeve. I am  'heavily' tattoo'd and have always wanted to be. I always wanted to be sleeved, I just chose to start with my left arm as it has the majority of cuts and burns and I was sick of them.
In many tattoo forums, I've always seen people question how well scars (surgical, accidents and self inflicted) can be covered by tattoos. I've seen people say NEVER and other suggestions over tattooing over them with 'skin colour'. I've done my research and knew they could be disguised at least. These scars are pushing 5 years old. They aren't pigmented though they are raised. My tattooist is a good friend I've known for over 6 years and understood what I wanted and was also understanding to my needs. My design is heaviest with block colour where I need the most coverage but also not so clumped together as to look like a standard 'cover up' tattoo.

This post contains photos of the scars before any tattooing. Please don't look / read on if this is upsetting for you.

This post is for informational purposes. It's to show there is hope. You don't have to live in sleeves forever. You can have something beautiful instead of something that draws negative attention.
Everyone is different but this is not how I want to look and I feel so free knowing they will soon be hidden forever.


  1. Hey sweetie, good to see you blogging

    Sounds from your post like you hav made a real transformation & your beautiful body art helps you complete this & really be who you are.

    Hope others will be inspired by your honesty


  2. so brave & honest to post, you'll get there xxx
